From my book shelf
In this section, I am writing notes which I took from the following book.

Preface- Page number –12
British historians and archaeologists working in
India in the nineteenth century were quick to blame the eclipse of Buddhism
there on the Muslim conquests. For seven centuries zealots did indeed inflict
horrendous human and cultural damage on India in the name of Islam, yet the
fact is that Buddhism in Indi was in terminal decline long before Mahmud of
Ghazni first crossed the Indus in the year 1008CE. Already by the ninth century
Buddhism practised by its adherents in India had become so esoteric, so
isolated from the wider community as to be unable to compete with revitalised,
devotional Hinduism promoted by the ninth-century reformer Adi Shankaracharya
and his followers. However, there is another equally important reason for the
failure of the Buddhism in India- one that few followers of the Hindutuva
nationalist movement (which believes that the only good Indian is a Hindu
Indian) are prepared to accept: Brahmanical intolerance, which at times was an
unbending in its hatred of heresy and heretics as later Muslim hardliners were
in their jihads against unbelief and unbelievers.
Page number -13
The politicians who in 1991 egged on the mob that
destroyed Babur’s mosque at Ayodhya on the grounds that it was built over the
Hindu warrior-god Rama’s fort may be surprised to know that some of the most
famous Hindu temples in India almost certainly began as Buddhist structures,
often incorporating Buddhist icons, either in the form of images of deities or
as lingams. Four likely examples- selected simply because they come from the
four corners of the subcontinent- are the Badrinath shrine in the far north
Garhwal Himal, the Jaganath temple at Puri on the east coast, the Ayyappa
shrine at Sabarimala in Kerala and the Vithalla Shrine at Pandharpur in Western
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